Get Your Streak on

Well hello,How are you guys doing? I had a really great show on Sunday night at the Bitter End here in New York, and that always makes me happy. In addition I've started using some cool techniques for productivity that I learned from a youtube video by Dean Jackson who is a productivity guru. Again that's something that makes me happy because I always love feeling like I'm actually getting work done.

In relation to that, I started using this awesome APP called Streaks that keeps track of, you guessed it, your streaks. Or in other words how many days in a row you've done something. And of course you get to decide what you want to use it for. (no sugar, no drinking, writing in your journal) The biggest one for me is meditation. I don't know what it is but something about that app is enough to make me do it everyday. At least for this past week it has been.

Some days I don't feel like doing it, but the thought of not crossing off the square with the x is enough to make me sit down for at least 5 minutes (that's my rule but usually I do 10) and meditate. And then seeing that my streak is 7 days makes me want to continue.

I have this crazy fantasy that after 40 days of meditation I'll get some Godly wisdom or peace, or something cool I don't even know about. I think really I'll just be proud of myself for meditating for 40 days in a row. And will hopefully continue. Don't they say that it takes 40 days for a habit to stick?

I am in no way connected with the app Streaks but just thought I'd share it here in case you want to get some fairly easy and readily available motivation. That is, if crossing out a calendar day is enough for you. I should mention that you can choose how many days you want the streaks to last. Every other day, 2 weeks, every month. I imagine you can get pretty creative with it.

If you decide to buy it (it's $2), let me know what streaks you are starting. Would love to support you on your journey.

Well that's it for me. This week it's short, sweet, and streak. (sorry I had to)

In love and music, Dana

P.s. this is what it looks like. In case you were wondering.
