Welcome to the 3rd Quarter of "Song in Your Box". The fact that you're here tells me you are reading my book "Behind the Song: A Songwriter's Guide to Finishing Songs". Are you inspired to start your new project yet? Email me at dana@danacarmel.com to tell me what you decided.

Here are songs 27-39. I wrote these songs in the thick of the project. It was the period I was anxiously anticipating because I knew I would be in the trenches of songwriting. More than halfway through but still a ways to go. I wrote some really good songs during this quarter. And some not-so good ones. Which is true of all the quarters, actually. 

Keep this page up while you're reading so you can press play and listen while you read along with the lyrics in the book. 

If you want to gain even more inspiration head over here to unlock cool Behind the Scenes such as videos of me during my writing process and of my series #songsiwishiwrote that you can't see anywhere else.

Thank you so much for your support. It allows me to continue making music, which I was put on this planet to do. In turn I am able to support YOU in doing what YOU'RE meant to do. It truly is a reciprocal circle. We need all of us to shine our brightest and step into our greatness, and it's my belief that it's better (and not to mention more fun), with the help and support of others. So, THANK YOU!

Week 27- "Hello" Here is a live performance of "Hello" performed at Rockwood Music Hall with Tim Shipman and Donovan Ernest.